Chapter 3 Released!

That’s exactly how it feels sometimes—like madness is hunting you slowly, with patience, as it knows that it will have your neck in its teeth by the end of the day.

A ball, some more abyssal adventures, and a taste of a promised meeting. The chapter 3 is here! +70K word

Enjoy your first royal ball, but don’t relax too much. A little bit of dancing with three strangers and a private moment with your chosen companion, but not without a sprinkle of long-brewing trouble ✨

If you take that choice, you’ll have a different scene with your companion; some readers might end up cutting their evening short, but it’s fun! 👀

😩 One more chapter till— gunshots

A note: you can retract your “pushing away” choice from the previous chapter, with the exception of one character whose acceptance depends on your current relationship with them. This likely will be the only time you can lower the “pushing” points, and from now on you won’t be able to do that again.

If you encounter any bugs, typos, or double break lines, please send me a note in DM or the askbox. You’d help me greatly.

If you have any thoughts or feelings after the chapter, I’d love to hear it! <3


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oh im so fucking excited about this!!!

Hope you enjoyed it! 💛