Progress Update — 28/02/25

Os's, Laz's, and Ash's branches are finished. I'm working on Az's branch. Once I'm done with it, I should be through 50-60% of the chapter.

The second half should go easier, I think. There are still a lot of branches (your hobby will play a part at last, so I have to write a scene for each hobby, then each of these scenes with all the main characters), but they should be smaller than the first branches. (That's not the end of the chapter, though. There are two more big scenes after that.)

I'd tell you more, but I just caught a cold and I'm very sick, so sorry. The progress will slow down until I get better. Which, hopefully, will be soon.

Stay healthy, everyone 💛

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Hoping you a very speedy recovery! Im also sick and it fucking sucks ass, but until then don't rush yourself at all and take care of yourself <3

Thank you! I hope you recover soon too 💛